article Spring 2023

Potatoes and Insects and Telescopes – Oh My! Applying Engineering to UW-Madison’s Research

From building telescopes to constructing models to predict the phenotypes of potatoes, science research at UW-Madison relies on a diverse range of engineering expertise. With a yearly budget of $1.4 billion, UW-Madison, one of the world’s foremost research universities, ranked 8th in the nation when it comes to yearly spending on research, according to a […]

article Spring 2023

The Road to Unraveling the Secrets of the Universe starts with … -1/12

One of the most important values in all of physics is -1/12, and the number comes about only by staring infinity in the face and accepting it as nothing more than a convenient mathematical idea. If you were to add all the natural numbers – every positive integer from one to infinity – what would […]

article Fall 2022

Baja SAE: Building Connections and Cars with Automotive Engineering

Most engineering students at UW-Madison have some grasp of the importance of extracurriculars, especially when it comes to finding real-world experience that will prove beneficial in the job market. In fact, there are over 50 engineering-specific organizations scattered around campus, vying for their next new member. However, while there are several clubs that focus on […]

article Fall 2021

Limitless Data in a Limitless Future

The root of all innovation, the pinnacle of all great advancements, the motivation for everything to come, may lie in the hands of the 21st century’s most crucial resource: data. Advances in computing and communication technology, along with the growth that has occurred in the field of data science and artificial intelligence, have put society […]

article Fall 2021

Grid-Forming Inverters: A Critical Asset for the Power Grid

The power grid is a network connection responsible for providing power from big power stations to homes. Within the grid, power generation and load must be balanced to maintain reliable grid operation on time scales of milliseconds to seconds. As we are adding more renewable energy sources, power generation becomes variable due to uncontrollable natural […]

article Fall 2021

ENG 101 – Intro to Survival Skills

Welcome to the College of Engineering! With UW-Madison returning to in-person classes this semester, thousands of college students just like you will once again swarm the campus – many for the very first time!  Whether you are a first-year, second-year, or third-year freshman, this semester will not be without its obstacles. Between navigating the engineering […]

article Fall 2021

Catalysis for Tomorrow

Catalysis, the process of accelerating the rate of chemical reactions, has been a focal point of scientific research for many decades. In the 21st century, catalysis continues to contribute to the manufacturing of 90% of the products we encounter daily, from modified foods, to gas for your car, to the majority of manufactured consumer products. […]

article Fall 2021

Speeding up CRISPR’s Path from Benchtop to Bedside

In the last decade, headlines surrounding the therapeutic potential of CRISPR have been dazzling the public. This revolutionary gene-editing technique has ignited the hopes of healthcare professionals and patients alike in tackling genetic diseases. However, the question remains: who will benefit from CRISPR and how soon? The Somatic Cell Genome Editing (SCGE) Consortium sponsored by […]

article Fall 2021

Interferometry – The Future of Understanding the Universe… Through Magic?

When the idea of a professional astronomer comes to mind, perhaps the first thing one pictures is a person sitting in a rural area in the middle of the night, squinting through a telescope, hoping to find some new star, planet, or asteroid. While this is certainly the case for the occasional astronomer or student […]

article Fall 2021

Taking Engineering Around the Globe: The Certificate in International Engineering

When you think “engineer,” what’s the first thing you think of? Perhaps problem-solver, creative thinker, and decent at math are all things that come to mind. But what about worldly? In an economy that is globalizing rapidly, many would argue that the fourth quality is now just as important as the first three. But how do you get a […]