Our mission is…
To create an award-winning, informative, professional, and entertaining student-run magazine and website focused on engineering, science, and technology topics for the UW-Madison community and beyond.
The Wisconsin Engineer was first published in June of 1896. It was one of the original five magazines to join Engineering College Magazines Associated (ECMA). The magazine is published for students and by students and distributed for free on the UW-Madison campus. The staff size varies each semester but normally trends around 30-40 students.
The organization is student-run and we are supported by our advisor Mike Shapiro, an assistant faculty associate in the College of Engineering. The departments of our magazine include Writing, Photography, Graphic Design, Web and Public Relations/Social Media. Members attend a weekly meeting to collaborate on story creation and track the progress of each issue.
All material in this publication is copyrighted. Our magazine is published and distributed by Digital Publishing and Printing Services from UW-Madison Division of Information and Technology.