By Krishna Patel

As UW-Madison students begin to search for post-graduation job opportunities, many turn to the expanding medical software company, Epic, which is conveniently located here in Madison. Epic, the third-largest employer in Dane County, has placed great emphasis on recruiting graduates from UW-Madison. Not only does this growing company have the software to make healthcare smarter and more efficient, it has a one-of-a-kind campus with many different amenities that allow employees to be more comfortable. Such a welcoming atmosphere gives the employees assurance that this will be a career that they would not want to leave for any other job opportunities.
Dhara Patel, a network operations technician, is one of the thousands of employees who enjoys the many benefits of working for Epic. “The Epic campus is massive, which makes for a great work environment since we all get to work in offices instead of cubicles,” says Patel. “No matter what building you’re in, you will always find such interesting and somewhat strange art that’s intended to inspire creative thinking.” The eccentric campus at Epic is only a small part of the company’s effort to create an enjoyable work environment for Epic. The company organizes numerous activities that encourage employees to get outdoors, away from working inside for long hours. Activities like soccer in the summer, cross country skiing or ice-skating in the winter, and the famous Epicnic, a celebration held by the company for their employees, all contribute to a great work culture at Epic.
Certainly, the Epic campus and company atmosphere has made quite the impression on current and prospective employees, but that’s not the only factor bringing attention to the tech company. Epic’s expansion over the past several years has been extraordinary. “Not only has the sheer number of employees and buildings risen, but Epic’s international footprint is also growing, which enables Epic to also expand the international offices,” says Patel.
Epic’s continued growth has played a significant role in supporting Madison’s economy. “The company has also had a huge effect on the Madison area,” says Patel. “For events such as Epic’s User Group Meeting, the hotels in the entire Madison area are sold out!” Epic, as the huge corporation it is, brings growth to the Madison economy and is part of the reason for such rapid building of new apartment buildings, stores, and restaurants all across the city. “I’d like to think that some of this has to do with the exponential growth of the company,” says Patel. “Epic plays a huge hand in Madison’s economy. Some folks refer to this growth in Madison’s economy as the ‘Epiconomy’, denoting Epic’s major helping hand to the city of Madison.
As Epic works with healthcare organizations to improve care and reduce costs, the company is making itself a more and more crucial player in the world of medicine. Epic’s software has the ability to increase patient satisfaction by improving the overall hospital experience. Epic can share data quickly and provides a backdrop for fostering more innovation for the better. This company has, and always will be a crucial part in the city of Madison, and as Epic continues to grow, it will continue to leave its mark on the people of Madison as well as healthcare institutions and patients everywhere.