By Krishna Patel It is back to square one for the one-time seniors of high school, now finding themselves amongst a pack of wolves called college freshmen. As an engineer, much of the college adaptation process sounds very scary; the workload is greater, classes are farther from each other, and you are away from loved […]
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By Brandon Grill Scientific advancement relies on numerous resources, many of which are hard to come by. Skilled faculty, equipment funding, and adequate research assistants are all needed in order to take a proposal and turn it into a discovery. Often overlooked, but increasing in demand, is the need for computational power. Whether in astronomy, […]
By Madison Knobloch Since 2011, a large area of high pressure over the pacific coast next to California, appropriately named the “Ridiculously Resilient Ridge,” or RRR, has been diverting storm systems further north. High pressure ridges are not uncommon, however, the stability of this one specifically is unmatched in the record books. This ridge was […]
By Anastasia Montgomery Today, technology is so important to our existence that it is as if our smartphones were a unique organ. However, the metaphor breaks down once you look at how much e-waste (the informal name for any discarded electronic or electrical devices or their parts) we produce while compulsively upgrading the technologies we […]
By Nathan Friar If you were to ask somebody to name a typical form of motorized transportation, the range of answers are somewhat limited. Over the last 100 years, the machines that we as humans use to power ourselves from place to place has remained pretty standard. Automobiles, boats, trains, and more recently, planes have made […]
By Alex Chay As a sports fan, not much is scarier than seeing a fan favorite lying on the turf, motionless, from the effects of a concussion. Not only are the causes of concussions especially gruesome, but the long-term effects can also be equally as terrifying. Numerous ex-football players have filed lawsuits against the NFL for […]